Good Morning!!!!
This morning I woke up at 7am, fully rested but wanting coffee. It seems like I got an amazing sleep compared to most people (I went to bed at like 9:30 then woke up at 7 while other people were either up at 4:30-5 or woke up every hour). What can I say, I'm a pro. My roommate and I went down for lunch and I met another rower!!!!! Unfortunately I can't remember her name

After our walk we had to go to a "Korea Language Program Opening Ceremony and Language Placement Test" and I almost PEED MY PANTS because I was SO EXCITED because KOREA UNIVERSITY is going to be teaching us!!! They sent teachers to Jungwon University (none of which were my old teacher) to come teach us Korea and then at the end of the course we are GOING BACK TO KOREA UNIVERSITY!!!!!!!!! AKLDJFALDJFALKDJFALDKJFADF I'm so happy. seriously I am, I almost started crying. Maybe not but I was pretty dang excited. So that will happen at the end of the program and I CANNOT W
AIT. I'm getting excited Just thinking about it. I took the test which was the same exact one that we took when getting to Korea University where I have improved from witting a smiley face to an introduction about myself but then i was sent to the interview where I was like holy crap I don't know what this lady is saying so after a lot of misunderstanding and me apologizing I just started speaking all the random phrases that I knew but she kept trying to ask questions to elaborate and I was like meanheyo I give up. So we'll see where THAT gets me. hahaha. the good thing is I'M NOT GRADED!! except personally. and because I am highly motivated I am convinced I will do awesomely. Plus Leslie has been impressed with my random Korean so far so I'm not too worried about it.
I wanted to end with a picture of the dinosaurs which were right by the pond and to the right of these was the door to the botanical garden.
I see modesty is still galloping thru our family.